Estados con leyes que permiten el Cannabis medicinal.
  Estados con el Cannabis descriminalizado.
  Estados con ambas
Despite the pressure the federal government, continue to advance efforts to legalize medical marijuana and recreational in the United States, to carry this demand at the november elections.
This demand is not new, and now could be taken to the November 2012 elections because, according to Washington officials, the plan to make marijuana legal in the country has sufficient number of signatures to become a bill.
According to Alison Holcomb, director of the New Approach Washington organization, rely on the opinion of people change, the case of the election year 2012 is ideal for carrying it out. And New Approach will support the plan.
 Colorado also said they are willing to spend much money in campaign to bring this proposal to the elections.
In 16 states including Colorado and Washington, along with the capital city, already allowed the use of cannabis for medical reasons, but marijuana is still illegal for  U.S. law, and public opinion is still divided into the issue of full legalization.
Sources: Delicious Seeds and
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