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Northern Light Blue THC-FREE

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Product Name Price Qty
Northern Light Blue THC-FREE - 1 seed € 10.00 x seed
Northern Light Blue THC-FREE - 3 seeds € 9.00 x seed
Northern Light Blue THC-FREE - 5 seeds € 8.40 x seed
Northern Light Blue THC-FREE - 10 seeds € 7.50 x seed
Northern Light Blue THC-FREE - 25 seeds € 6.48 x seed
Northern Light Blue THC-FREE - 100 seeds € 5.48 x seed

After years of excellent genetic breeding work and intense development, at Delicious Seeds we are very proud to present you our new line of THC-FREE cannabis strains, a new product concept that meets the needs of a high percentage of growers and consumers, who only look for the benefits of CBD in cannabis and at all times want to prevent the percentage of THC in their crops from exceeding legal limits. This makes it a plant that can be planted almost anywhere in the world without having to worry about committing any infraction due to the almost zero levels of thc and they lack psychoactivity. The first of many strains to be developed is our NLBLUE THC-FREE. A pure CBD variety with thc levels never higher than 0.3% and with CBD levels of 11-14%, with a ratio of 40:1 is the first variety in our catalog that is 100% non-psychoactive. A strain specially designed to satisfy recreational and medicinal cannabis users who do not want to experience the psychoactive effects of THC.

Northern Light Blue THC-FREE is the result of crossing our special Northern Light mother with an original clone of the authentic DJ Short Blueberry to which we have added a male of Asian genetics with a very low thc content. The result is a strain with very dense foliage and compact growth. But do not be fooled, as it is a plant that can reach considerable sizes indoors and outdoors, and outnumber plants with a higher load of sativa in their genes. It tolerates any cultivation method or technique very well, such as types of pruning, cultivation in SCROG, Sea Of Green, etc. It produces thick and very strong secondary branches to support the large flowers.

The buds give off a very intense and pleasant aroma. They have a sweet but slightly sour fragrance, like tangerines. The flavor is also intense, a bit bittersweet. Reminiscent of oranges or even grapes, but with touches of incense and pine. It is a strain with a complex flavor, to which new nuances are found with each puff. Naturally, this will be enhanced by vaporized consumption.

The effect of this strain is markedly relaxing, although it is not at all narcotic, so it does not become annoying if we are going to perform any task, whether physical or mental. It can be said that it is an effect without contraindications.

Maturation(Interior) 55 to 65 days
Maturation(Exterior)late September
FlavorSweet fruit
Production550 g/m2 Indoor | +1000 g/pl Outdoor
LineageNorthern Light Blue x Asiatic Hemp

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Delicious Seeds advise their customers to reassure themselves of local applicable laws and regulations before germination.
Delicious Seeds cannot be held responsible for the actions of those who act aginst laws and regulations that apply in their locality.
Cannabis seeds should be kept as collectible souvenirs by anyone in an area where cultivation of cannabis is not legal.
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