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Purple Queen Automatic

Purple Queen Automatic - Royal Queen

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Purple Queen Automatic - 1 seed
Purple Queen Automatic - 3 seeds
Purple Queen Automatic - 5 seeds
Purple Queen Automatic - 10 seeds

Purple Queen Automatic: Get Ready To Relax
Purple Queen Automatic is more than just a pretty face. The soothing strain reaches deep into both the psyche and bodily tissues to relieve tension and stress. Our breeders created this purple beauty by shrewdly selecting parent strains Purple Auto—for her gorgeous appearance—and Critical Auto, for her indica-dominant genetic profile. As a result, Purple Queen Automatic is heavily indica-dominant (80%) and poised to rock your world with relaxation.

Effects and flavour profile of Purple Queen Automatic
Are you looking for a way to decrease stress? Look no further. We all experience stress, whether from work or family life. The solution is often a few deep breaths and a nice warm bath. A joint or bowl of Purple Queen Automatic will help you take your relaxation regime one step further. The high releases muscular tension while slowing down erratic thoughts and decreasing anxiety. You’ll also feel a wave of euphoria begin to set in with each successive hit. Your favourite songs will sound enhanced, and you’ll feel a smile creep across your face.

Purple Queen Automatic’s terpene profile enhances the smoking experience greatly. Her exotic and diverse scents and flavours will ground you into the present moment. Her purple flowers emit aromas of skunk, fruit, and citrus. Every hit delivers contrasting flavours of sweetness, bitterness, and spice.

Growing Purple Queen Automatic
Purple Queen Automatic erupts from seed to harvest in around 9 weeks. The strain doesn’t take up much room, and thus can easily be cultivated in a small closet. She puts on a spectacular show during the flowering phase in the form of two different phenotypes. Out of every ten plants, around five will display shades of deep purple. The other half will boast a luscious shade of dark green. Indoor plants can be kept at around 100cm in height and still produce up to 400gr/m². Outside, expect a taller height of 140cm and a yield of up to 150gr/plant.

Genótipo15% Sativa - 80% Indica - 5% Ruderalis
Ciclo de Vida Completo60-70 dias
GostoCitrico frutado
Produção350-400 g/m2 Indoor | 100-150 g/pl Outdoor
SexoFem Auto
LinhagemPurple Queen x Critical Auto

You're reviewing: Purple Queen Automatic

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