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Joanne's CBD

Joanne's CBD - Royal Queen

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Joanne's CBD - 1 seed
Joanne's CBD - 3 seeds
Joanne's CBD - 5 seeds
Joanne's CBD - 10 seeds

Joanne's CBD: Therapeutic And Delicious
Joanne’s CBD is a therapeutic cultivar that produces a clear-headed and lucid effect. She’s a productive polyhybrid featuring a perfect balance of 50% indica genetics and 50% sativa. The strain received her medicinal cannabinoid profile from parent strains Juanita la Lagrimosa and Session. As a descendant of Juanita, Joanne’s CBD belongs to a longstanding lineage of CBD legends.

Juanita la Lagrimosa is believed to be the first strain ever to reach a CBD content of 15%. The variety has scooped up numerous High Times Cannabis Cup awards for her medicinal effects and low THC content. Although she offers an attractive cannabinoid profile, she often lacks in size and productivity. Our breeders addressed this drawback by infusing some much-needed Session genetics into the mix. This towering hybrid offers a massive yield and descends from the high-CBD cultivar Kalijah.

After a period of hybridisation and stabilisation, Joanne’s CBD was born. Our breeders successfully merged the cannabinoid profile of Juanita la Lagrimosa with the size and production potential of Session. Now, growers can harvest an abundance of CBD-rich flowers from a single plant.

Effects, flavour, and aroma of Joanne's CBD
Joanne’s CBD produces between 13–18% cannabidiol. Such a significant amount is capable of providing rapid relief from pain, anxiety, and inflammation. A few lungfuls of vapor eases the mind into the present moment and erases unnecessary worries. She makes an excellent smoke before a hot bath or meditation session to tame the sympathetic nervous system.

Joanne’s CBD contains trace levels of THC; approximately 0.25–0.75%. As such, medicinal users can access large doses of CBD throughout the day without impeding cognitive function.

The strain's therapeutic effects are paired with a delightful flavour profile of orange citrus and sweetness. Release your inner cannabis chef and use these flowers to cook up some delicious edibles.

Growing Joanne’s Cbd
Joanne’s CBD is relatively easy to manage and can be effectively tamed using low-stress training and pruning techniques. Indoor plants reach a medium height and yield up to 550g/m² after a brief flowering period of 7–8 weeks. Outdoor plants peak at a taller height of 180cm and produce an impressive yield of up to 475/plant. Expect to harvest your bounty in early October.

Genótipo50% Sativa - 50% Indica
Tempo de amadurecimento internode 55 a 60 dias
Tempo de amadurecimento ao ar livreInicio de maio
Produção500-550 g/m2 Indoor | 425-475 g/pl Outdoor
LinhagemSession x Juanita la Lagrimosa

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