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Sensi Amnesia Auto (Hawaiian Indica x Afghani x Jamaican Pearl)

Sensi Amnesia Auto (Hawaiian Indica x Afghani x Jamaican Pearl) - Sensi Seeds

  • Comprar Sensi Amnesia Auto (Hawaiian Indica x Afghani x Jamaican Pearl)
Nombre Precio Cantidad
Sensi Amnesia Auto - 3 seeds
23,50 €
Sensi Amnesia Auto - 5 seeds
37,50 €
Sensi Amnesia Auto - 10 seeds
71,00 €
23,50 €

Sensi Amnesia Auto has an excellent genetic pool, including parent plants like Jamaican Pearl, Hawaiian Indica, and Afghani #1. Hawaiian Indica is an unusual strain in that most varieties from this area are more sativa in nature, but this exclusive Sensi Seeds cultivar combines exotic flavours of pineapple and tropical fruit with gentle indica relaxation.

It’s 50% sativa, 20% indica, and 30% ruderalis, and the sativa dominance is evident in the high, which is cerebral and euphoric. As an automatic feminized strain, it’s easy to cultivate in most climates, even for complete beginners. The plants produce a tangy, fruity aroma and taste, and grow to moderate heights.

Growth pattern of Sensi Amnesia Automatic

This strain has three notable parent plants in its genetic pool: Jamaican Pearl, Afghani #1, and Hawaiian Indica. Jamaican Pearl is an award-winning sativa, and its influence is strongly evident in the high, which is chatty and cerebral.

Along with being 50% sativa, the strain is also 20% indica and 30% ruderalis. It’s a feminized variant, which means that the seeds will grow into plants that grow and flower as females. As such, growers don’t need to worry about removing unwanted male plants to boost their harvest. It’s also autoflowering, which is a major advantage for those wanting to grow the plants in cooler climates. Simply put, this strain typically thrives in most locations, both indoors and out.

The strain has a relatively long flowering time of 10 to 12 weeks (70 to 84 days). However, the advantage of being autoflowering makes it easier to cultivate. The plants can reach moderate heights, which is unusual for an automatic variant. Growers can expect to see them reach 120 cm when cultivated indoors, and up to 210 cm when grown outside.

In appearance, the plants take on a conical shape, with a slender top and a heavier, bushier base. The buds are quite compact, and tend to form along the central stem and at the end of the lateral branches. When cared for properly, the plants will produce moderately good yields for an auto.

While the harvests might not be as prodigious as other strains, the ease-of-growing more than makes up for it. Unlike many variants, this strain grows well even in cooler climates with shorter summers, and doesn’t require much maintenance. The SCROG (Screen of Green) and SOG (Sea of Green) cultivation techniques can be applied to it by more experienced growers, as can lollipopping.

Effect, taste, and smell of Sensi Amnesia Automatic

The 50% sativa genetics of this strain really come through in the high, which is uplifting, awakening, and cerebral. There’s also a hint of relaxation, thanks to the 20% indica influence.

The aroma is similarly sativa in personality. Growers can expect their plants to produce a sharp, tropical scent, with notes of exotic fruit and citrus. This smell usually gets stronger as the plants approach harvest-time, and the flavours also carry through to the taste. Some users also report that the taste is similar to the Haze family.

In a nutshell

The strain’s genetic pool includes the award-winning Jamaican Pearl, Hawaiian Indica, and Afghani #1 Automatic
Despite the fact that it’s an automatic strain, the plants can grow to moderately tall heights
The aroma and taste are typically sativa in personality; citrussy, fruity and exotic
The high is uplifting and chatty, while also being cerebral
As an auto, the plants grow well in most climates, even those with cooler temperatures
The strain is feminized, which makes it easier to grow

Genotipo50% Sativa - 20% Indica - 30% Ruderalis
SaborCítrico afrutado
SexoFem Auto
LinajeHawaiian Indica x Afghani x Jamaican Pearl

Producto: Sensi Amnesia Auto (Hawaiian Indica x Afghani x Jamaican Pearl)

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