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Mandarine Punch Auto (Maple Leaf Indica x White Widow x NYC Diesel x Hindu Kush)

Mandarine Punch Auto (Maple Leaf Indica x White Widow x NYC Diesel x Hindu Kush) - Sensi Seeds

  • Comprar Mandarine Punch Auto (Maple Leaf Indica x White Widow x NYC Diesel x Hindu Kush)
Nombre Precio Cantidad
Mandarine Punch Auto - 3 seeds
21,01 €
Mandarine Punch Auto - 5 seeds
33,50 €
Mandarine Punch Auto - 10 seeds
63,00 €
21,01 €

This strain boasts some impressive parent plants, such as the award-winning NYC Diesel, Hindu Kush, White Widow, and Maple Leaf Indica. It’s 60% indica, which explains the relaxed couch-lock high, though the 20% sativa influence is evident in the euphoric effect. It’s also 20% ruderalis, and as an automatic variant, it thrives in most climates. The plants are compact enough to be grown discreetly, and produce a citrussy, tropical aroma.

The dynasty of Punch strains is one of the new cannabis trends from the US, which provides fruity flavours to other strains. Mandarine Punch is a new addition to the line, highlighting sweetly citrus mandarin aromas in its makeup.

Growth pattern of Mandarine Punch Automatic

This strain, developed by Sensi Seeds, has a formidable genetic pool. Its parent plants include White Widow, Maple Leaf Indica, NYC Diesel, and Hindu Kush; strains that are highly regarded throughout the world.

It’s 60% indica, 20% sativa, and 20% ruderalis. The indica dominance is evident in the appearance of the plants, which are short and sturdy, and the stone, which is a potent couch-lock. However, the sativa influence can also be felt in the sense of euphoria and happiness. The seeds are feminized and auto-flowering, which means that they’re easy to grow, even for complete beginners.

The plants have a flowering time of 9 weeks (63 days), and are compact in size, even when they reach full maturity. This is advantageous for growers who want to cultivate them discreetly, either indoors or outside.

Visually, they resemble other indica-dominant varieties, with a thick central stem and plenty of bushy branches. The buds usually form around the central cola, rather than on the branches themselves. Growers can expect to generate a relatively good-sized yield, especially given that this is an autoflowering strain.

One of the main benefits of an automatic is its ability to thrive in most climates, and this strain is no exception. The plants are likely to grow well in the majority of locations, even in countries with cooler, shorter summers.

They can respond well to most popular cultivation techniques, like SOG (Sea of Green), supercropping and lollipopping, once growers have gained a little experience.

Effect, taste, and smell of Mandarine Punch Automatic

This strain is 60% indica, and as such, users can anticipate a full body couch-lock upon consumption. However, the sativa influence can also be detected in the sense of euphoria and creativity.

While the plants are growing, they produce a pleasantly sweet and sharp citrussy aroma, which is thanks to the combination of Diesel and Maple Leaf Indica. This scent tends to strengthen as the buds approach harvest-time, and is also evident during the curing phase. Flavour-wise, expect the tropical fruit notes to come to the foreground, along with a tasty sweetness.

In a nutshell

This strain is indica-dominant, and as a result, the plants are compact. This means they are easier to grow discreetly
The aroma and taste are both fruity, tropical and citrussy
Expect a stone that’s deeply relaxing for the body, while producing a sense of happiness and creativity
Its genetic pool includes Maple Leaf Indica, NYC Diesel, White Widow, and Hindu Kush, award-winning strains with impressive reputations
As an automatic strain, it can be grown in most climates, even those with cooler temperatures
The stain is also feminized, which means it’s easier to cultivate, as growers won’t have to identify and remove male plants

Genotipo20% Sativa - 60% Indica - 20% Ruderalis
SaborCítrico afrutado
SexoFem Auto
LinajeMaple Leaf Indica x White Widow x NYC Diesel x Hindu Kush

Producto: Mandarine Punch Auto (Maple Leaf Indica x White Widow x NYC Diesel x Hindu Kush)

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