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Blackberry Cake (Wedding cake x Durban x Black Domina)

Blackberry Cake (Wedding cake x Durban x Black Domina) - Sensi Seeds

  • Kauf Blackberry Cake (Wedding cake x Durban x Black Domina)
Artikelname Preis Menge
Blackberry Cake - 3 seeds
17,50 €
Blackberry Cake - 5 seeds
28,00 €
Blackberry Cake - 10 seeds
53,00 €
17,50 €

This hybrid strain has a formidable parentage. Its genetic pool features Wedding Cake, Black Domina, and the world-renowned Durban. Wedding Cake, AKA Pink Cookies, is a deliciously decadent variety from the US with cake-like flavours and powerfully relaxing effects that’s a pleasure for us to work with.

These come from its parents: the universally known Girl Scout Cookies, and a sweet-cherry tasting American cultivar, Cherry Pie. These US genetic components showcase the notes of Blueberry Cake in a new, sweet and powerful Sensi Seeds sensation.

Growth pattern of Blackberry Cake Feminized

Blackberry Cake is 70% indica, 30% sativa, and the plants are compact, bushy and full of large, sticky buds. The indica dominance is evident in the earthy, full-bodied scent and taste, not to mention the warm, relaxing high. Growers are likely to generate plentiful yields from this strain, especially when grown in a warm, sunny climate.

Theis 70% indica is evident in the relaxing, comforting high, though users will also feel uplifted, thanks to Durban’s sativa influence. Like other indica-dominant strains, the plants are capable of producing large yields without too much effort.

These plants will all grow and flower as though they are female, as the seeds are feminized. This is beneficial to inexperienced growers, as there’s no need to spot and remove male plants during the cultivation phase.

The flowering period of this strain is moderate, and takes 55 to 70 days. This means growers won’t have to wait too long to obtain a harvest. Although there’s a sativa influence, the plants are mostly indica in their growth pattern, and remain fairly compact, even when they reach full maturity. Growers looking for a strain they can grow discreetly will no doubt regard this as an advantage.

The plants are sturdy, short and bushy, with a thick central stem and lots of branches. Plenty of buds form during the flowering stage, and these are usually large and weighty in appearance. When cultivated in the right conditions, growers can anticipate extensive yields, both indoors and out. The ideal climate for this strain is Mediterranean, or any country that offers a long, warm summer with plenty of sunlight.

Most cultivation techniques work well with this strain, such as SCROG (Screen of Green), SOG (Sea of Green) and supercropping.

Effect, taste, and smell of Blackberry Cake Feminized

The strain is 70% indica and 30% sativa, and the influence of its award-winning parent plants can be detected in the aroma, taste and the resulting high.

Like many indica-dominant strains, the effect is intensely relaxing, providing the user with a sense of warmth and contentment that’s a classic trait of Wedding Cake. Durban’s sativa influence adds a note of euphoria and creativity.

The scent is pleasant, with the plants producing an aroma that’s rich, earthy and woody, with a note of citrus. This citrus flavour is also present in the taste, along with a hint of creaminess and spice; a very special combination that makes the most of US and Sensi Seeds genetics.

In a nutshell

The strain is compact, and as such, can be grown discreetly, inside and out.
It has a formidable parentage, including Wedding Cake, Durban, and Black Domina.
All the strain’s parent-plants have won awards.
It has a pleasant, warm, fruity citrus aroma and taste, with notes of creaminess.
While the plants have some resistance to pests and mould, care should be taken by novices when cultivating them.

Gattung30% Sativa - 70% Indica
LinieWedding cake x Durban x Black Domina

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