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Cotton Candy Kush ®

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  • Kauf Cotton Candy Kush
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  • Kauf Cotton Candy Kush
  • Kauf Cotton Candy Kush
  • Kauf Cotton Candy Kush
  • Kauf Cotton Candy Kush
Artikelname Preis Menge
Cotton Candy Kush - 1 seed € 10.00 x samen
10,00 €
Cotton Candy Kush - 3 seeds € 9.00 x samen
27,00 €
Cotton Candy Kush - 5 seeds € 8.40 x samen
42,00 €
Cotton Candy Kush - 10 seeds € 7.50 x samen
75,00 €
Cotton Candy Kush - 25 seeds € 6.48 x samen
162,00 €
Cotton Candy Kush - 100 seeds € 5.48 x samen
548,00 €
10,00 €

Dieses Gefühl, auf die ultimative Gourmet-Hybride zu stoßen... Und das ist nicht nur eine Redewendung und auch keine Phrase, die wir bei jeder anderen Sorte wiederholen würden. Vielleicht kennen Sie sogar den Satz: "Diese schmackhafte und sinnliche Sorte verbindet die aufgeschlagene Süße von Karamell mit der Geschmeidigkeit von Zuckerwatte". Dies ist Cotton Candy Kush

Sie ist schmackhaft, sie ist sensorisch und sie ist die Genetik, die die organoleptischen Eigenschaften des besten Cannabis maximiert. Aber kommen wir zu dem Warum.

Die produktive südafrikanische Sorte schlechthin verschmolzen mit einer der besten Mütter "made in" Delicious Seeds. Power Plant + Lavender (wiederum in der 1. Generation mit einem Unikat von Ruderalis gekreuzt). Und das Ergebnis ist ungeheuer charakteristisch:

Große, lange, fuchsschwanzartige Knospen. Unverwechselbare lavendelfarbene Metallic-Farbe auf den Blättern in der letzten Phase der Blütezeit. Und eine cremige, harzige Creme. In den letzten drei Sätzen und zwei Zeilen werden alle Gärtner, die diese Süße probiert haben, wissen, dass wir von ihr sprechen.    

Und warten Sie, wir haben noch ein paar Extras zu gehen! .... Die Maniküre wird einfach sein, nicht die nächste Sache (wegen des Verhältnisses von Kelch und Blatt). Sie ist sehr widerstandsfähig gegen Stress und Schädlinge. Und sein THC-Anteil beträgt bis zu 25 %.

Stellen Sie sich vor, was für ein Potenzial diese Sorte haben muss, dass wir diese letzte Information für das Ende der Beschreibung aufgehoben haben.

Gattung75% Sativa - 25% Indica
Blütezeit indoor60 bis 70 Tagen
Erntezeit outdoorMitte Oktober
Ertrag600 g/m2 Indoor | +1500 g/pl Outdoor
AromaSehr hoch
LinieLavender x Power Plant

2º indoor - copa la marina baixa 2011

1º outdoor – Cannary Island Cup (Sativas) Popular Cup

1º extraccion con solvente - II Copa Humos del Diablo - Uruguay 2017

1st prize BHO - Dab Warz Cup - Secret Sesh - Michigan USA - 2018 (710 HighWay)

1st Prize Indoor - Cata Cultivadores Mendoza - Argentina 2022 (@elespeciero1)

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Daniel (23.09.2024)
A lovely plant. After many years the same genetics still produces wonderful robust and well shaped flowers. The strong, intense flavor of this citirc heavy strain is very delivious. The growth is very linear, not that many annoying branches that grow 'wild'. A plant with ambitions and relatively little weak spots. It does not have big problems with mould indoors. A very thankful plant that you should consider trying out. While the high is very present und you clearly notice the uplifting sativa domninance it does not bring a restlessness some other strains inherit.
Lucas (14.09.2022)
Subidon euforico y alegre, pegue muy mental y rapido. y el sabor dulce no se compara con nada
Antonio (26.12.2021)
Sorprendido con lo gordo que salen las colas, se hace bien alta si no se cuida, mis plantas iban muy rápido, ya para el día 50 de floración estaban casi listas, le di 10 días más, y al secarlo salió un color hermoso. Muy recomendada.
Shahdad (28.05.2020)
this candy i cant explain it to u guys its f**cking awsome !!
Kingcannabis405 (06.09.2019)
You guys should use my photo as the money shot kingcannabis405 on Instagram
Mike (22.09.2018)
Best disstallate ive ever had 93 percent thc cotton candy kush in the 520 so tasty tase like i bit into cotton candy cheerz got a whole ounce
Enz (23.02.2016)
I am writing this review just to say special thanks to delicious seeds and this absolutely beauty called cotton candy, perfect guys this plant is magic is outstanding for everything you can imagine to have from your plant, second grow here and it is just outstanding smells very good fruity candy and when you smoke you're ready to do impossible things in your life it will open up your mind and you'll focus on everything you have to do. I will grow this for as long as I can. Peace
DrGreenJeans (27.11.2015)
I popped a Cotton Candy seed I got as a freebie I got to fill up some space in my garden. I really didn't do any research on it prior to sound so and honestly was t expecting to much.

Boy did I get a surprise. The plant took off like an absolute monsters. It sprouted shoots like crazy and even the botten branches reached up to the top of the plant. I could not believe the amount of bud sites it produced and how big they got. The main cola itself was 14 inches long and as big around as a beer bottle.

I cut the plant down at 63 days and let it dry for 9 days.

I'm just a small fry personal grower for medical reasons. I grow 4 plants in a 4x4 foot tent and I usually pull around 2.5 ounces per plant under a 600watt light. When I was looking at the plant there was so much bud on the plant that I thought there must be 4 ounces on it. Actually when it was all weighed out, it came in at exactly 8 ounces!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it. It far far far far out produced anything I have ever grown before.

The smoke was soooo tasty and several long time smokers that I hang with commented on how good it was and that it became one f their favorites.

Big Props to Delcious Seeds on this one!!!!
voodoo (03.06.2015)
For those of us that need the sativa touch the next generation of quick style sativas are producing some great strains-Cotton Candy being a premier example.Phenos range from 6 to 10 wk flowerers with tastes ranging from a kush like note to sweet fruit.The absolute best trait of this strain is disease tolerance-i have mosiac virus in my garden which at one time threatened the whole operation,CC takes it all in her stride and doesnt let it phase her.All in all i highly recommend this strain for all lovers of this garcious plant.
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